Jesus Is The Ticket

Are you registered?

You don't want to be denied entry...

That same logic can be applied to the biggest trip of your life ...from life on earth to your eternal life in heaven.

To fly anywhere, you need an individual TICKET to board the plane.

To stay at a hotel, you need to REGISTER to get your room.

If you don't, you will be turned away at the point of entry, right?

Is your name registered in heaven?

Nothing in life is more important than knowing the answer to this question.

Think about this, Jesus said:

"...If you trust Me, you are trusting not only Me, but also God who sent Me. For when you see Me, you are seeing the One who sent Me.
I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in Me will no longer remain in the dark."

John 12:44-46

If you're thinking, 'why should I trust what Jesus has to say?', know that Jesus said:

"...for I have come to save the world and not to judge it."

John 12:47


"The Father who sent Me has commanded Me what to say and how to say it. And I know His commands lead to eternal life..."

John 12:49-50

God has a very specific way for us to enter into heaven so we can enjoy our eternal life.

We must enter heaven God's way.

Jesus is the TICKET.

He gives it to you for free if you want to accept it.

It's as easy as ABC...

ADMIT you are a sinner, a person guilty of doing things that are displeasing to God. The bible says that everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard. (Romans 3:23)

BELIEVE that Jesus took the punishment for your sin and paid the price on your behalf, which was the shedding of His blood, and dying willingly, for you and me. (Hebrews 9:22, Galatians 1:4)

CALL on Jesus to forgive you of your sins, to come live in your heart and be the Lord of your life. He will do so instantly, and at that moment your name will be REGISTERED in heaven. (Romans 10:13)

"People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed His life, shedding His blood."

Romans 3:25

The good news is Jesus came out of the grave alive after three days and interacted with many people. This was proof to everyone that
He is God, the Savior of the world.

If you've decided to accept God's forgiveness,

"...rejoice because your names are now registered in heaven"

Luke 10:20

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About Us How did “Jesus Is The Ticket” come about?

Hello! My name is Karen Singer. As believers and followers of Jesus, my husband and I always look for opportunities to share our faith.

When it became apparent that we would not be able to gather with family and friends to celebrate Easter due to the extended shutdown in 2020, the Lord inspired me with an idea. Turning the focus onto Jesus is always something I liked to do intentionally, whenever celebrating any holiday with family.

During many quiet mornings when I was reading my bible, the Lord began stirring in my heart and in my mind using the scriptures I was reading. A question my husband would like to ask people is, “do you have your ticket?” to provoke curiosity. With that question in mind along with the scriptures I was reading, a message started to take shape along with the burden to share it with my siblings. The result was an email that the Lord crafted in my heart and it flowed effortlessly as I wrote it.

Before I sent the email out, I asked my brother to read it. He told me it read like a gospel tract, and that I should send it out to our siblings. I was surprised by his reaction, and the Lord used his encouragement to stir something even deeper into my heart and mind. He gave me a vision that wove perfectly together with the theme of the message in the email and that would be to create a gospel tract that resembled an airline boarding pass, or ticket.

As the process of developing this idea of a boarding pass continued, I became very unsure of it, and skeptical within myself. The Lord knew my heart, saw my struggle, and He had compassion on me. He gave me confirmation verbally, twice through two different church services with Pastor Jack Hibbs at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. I have never met Pastor Jack. He did not know about this project nor did he know I was struggling with following through with it. But the Lord spoke through him, and gave me the confirmation I was looking for. Both times my husband and I randomly tuned into Pastor Jack’s church service, and both times I was given specific confirmation from the Lord, by way of illustration in the sermon, that you need a ticket, a boarding pass, to go to heaven. It’s not a literal ticket of course but you need access through Jesus; it’s what Jesus did for you personally that gives you your entry into heaven, if you choose to accept Him.

As you consider the importance of what Jesus has done for each of us individually, my prayer for you is that you will choose to embrace Him. He took the punishment for your sin so that you don’t have to.

Jesus Is The ticket.
Karen Singer
Karen Singer

Hey there! My name is Katie Clements and I am a professional illustrator with a passion for meaningful ventures that impact people for good.

I have been involved in many different projects, few are quite as exciting as the ticket design I did for Karen. This passion project came to be through the inspiration and guidance of Karen’s faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. In the same way, I found myself a part of this amazing endeavour. God’s hand on this ticket has been extremely evident from the very beginning.

My name was given to Karen through mutual friends, and through prayerful consideration, God made it clear to Karen that I would be a good fit. It has been an absolute privilege to be a part of something that God is moving in! I am humbled and honoured to have been the ticket designer for such an incredible project with Jesus at the center and look forward to seeing where He will take it.

Katie Clements
Katie Clements

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